Monday, July 26, 2010

Next races: Bear Creek (brutal) and Susan G. Komen

So after running the wharf to wharf race I looked for a local race to do. So I ended up signing up for this race called Bear Creek Trail Run located in Briones Park (Martinez, CA) and do the 10k run. I was forewarned that were hills in this course and that I should REALLY practice running up steep hills. But I figured at the time that since I've been running at the reservoir that I should be capable of running up hills. So race day comes around and around 8 AM start time the temperature was at 85 degrees already. And it was getting hotter by the minute!! So at the start of the race and to the first mile, I was running faster than I should have but was making good time. I was sweating a lot more since the sun was already beating down on me and no shade in sight. As I past the first mile marker then that is when the major inclines started creeping in. As I got through one or two of these inclines I was slowing down ridiculously. By the time I got to the third major incline, my legs were literally burning on fire and was forced to walk. For the first 3 miles, I literally went up almost 750-800 feet in elevation. Until I got to downhill portion of the race, I walked up all of the inclines, and yes it was probably warming to 95-100 degrees by now. Even the declines I had to be cautious since one slip up on the trail and you're rolling down the hill with some scrapes and cuts. By the time I got to the finish, I never felt so dehydrated and exhausted from running in my life.

Bear Creek 10k Final Time: 1:07:20

Yes, I ran a pace of approx. 10 minutes per mile, but I was thankful I finished that one. I never hated hills so much until that race, and ever since then I made sure I did some hill running for my training. One thing I learned from this race: Finish what you started, and I did, even if I was alive or not.

Race for the cure 5k 9/27/2009

So I needed a confident booster to ease myself back into running after withstanding the 100 degree and major incline race that I did. So through a work email, our company was going to help donate to Susan G. Komen Race for the cure. Since the was a 5k, I felt good about signing up and doing the race. I was the only one from my office to do the race and a few others from the SF did the race as well. When I got to the starting area, I had noted that there was a lot of booths and exhibits from sponsors and organizations supporting this cause. I was amazed and happy by the amount of women who came out to support this cause by running or walking the course. It shows a lot strength and compassion from people to take time out of their weekend to support a cause that hopefully one day there is a cure for breast cancer. It was unusually warm for SF at this time of year so I was a little unprepared for the heat on this run. As I started towards the first mile, I realize I was going a lot faster than I expected and ran it at around 6:45. As I got to mile two then I had a mini wall kicked in and noted I was slowing down a lot when I was getting passed by a good amount of people and my body is not used to running at a high intensity for a lengthen period of time. So this was my body giving me feedback that I should do some interval runnings in my trainings. As I got past mile two and for the final stretch, I digged down deep towards the last quarter mile and tried to finish strong.

Final Race time: 22:38

Not bad, but needed more practice in running at a very fast pace. This would be the first of a couple of SF races (and hopefully more) that I would do.

Afterwards, I was convinced by my friends to sign up for the inaugrual Las Vegas 1/2 Marathon race which takes place in July. In the meantime I looked for other 10k races to boost my confidence in making the jump to that distance.

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