Monday, July 26, 2010

How running got started

Before I describe in details of my first marathon that I ran on July 26, 2010 (which will follow in the subsequent posts), I just want to take this back about a year and a month ago of when I started running on a regular basis and started to do races. When I first started, I was running because I kept on seeing posts from my friend who was running at the Lafayette reservoir after work. So I decided, hey why not join in, get some cardio in and spend some time with some friends all at one. From there, that's when I had the idea that maybe I can start getting into doing some races around the area. I needed to do some cardio activity outside the gym since I was trying to shed the "get bigger" image that I was doing in the gym all the time. Prior to running, I had being doing jump rope which helped we dropped from 195 at the start of 2009. Plus I was looking for something in my life that I wanted to have a deep passion since my weekends usually consists of partying and sleeping which got a little old. So at the same time I was getting into running, another friend was doing a lot of running for the past year and had posted that she was signing up to do the Nike Women's marathon. Of course back then I thought a marathon would be too silly for me to even attempt since I thought running a 10k would be the ideal distance for my abilities (last time I ever undermine myself). So I looked for a race to do in the summer of '09 and found one that my family members and friends have done in the past: Wharf to Wharf (Santa Cruz to Capitola).

As I did the race, I noticed how packed it was with 15,000 runners and the crowded starting area. The biggest mistake that I made was not being towards the front of the starting area cause at the start of the race, all I was surrounded with were walkers. So pretty much the first mile I was walking forcibly. Then towards mile 2 I started to find gaps to get around people so that I can finally start running the race. One thing that I did love about the race was all of the fan support throughout the race and the amount of bands that played alongside the course. This showed that this race had a lot of spirit in it. As I got towards mile 5 that's when it started breaking up and I was able to go at my ideal pace till the finish line at mile 6. Though this race is not chip timed, I looked up at the clock and noted that I finished at 1:00 (put probably finished a lot faster). I felt great as I finished my first race and went to collect my shirt and goodies over at the sands in Capitola waiting for my friends to finish. Then we had some awesome breakfast at Auntie Mame's cafe in Scotts Valley (food never tasted so good after a race). From there that's when I really got into looking for races to run. Was the thought of doing a marathon rung into my head? Heck no, but in one year from that Wharf to Wharf race it happened.

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