Monday, July 26, 2010

Las Vegas Rock N Roll Half-Marathon

So now it's December and getting ready to leave to go fly out to Vegas with my running buddy. The week before, I decided to buy a new pair of running shoes and wear them for the upcoming race. Generally it is not a good idea to change shoes right up to the race, but I felt that the cushion in my old shoes were gone and need something to keep me comfortable for 13.1 miles. I did however run in them prior to the race (did an 8-miler a few days before the race). So off to Vegas we go having some beers before, during, and after the flight just to relax and enjoy the trip. When I got to the expo to grab my racing packet, I was amazed of how many exhibits and booths were at this place. Ranging from Shoe companies to sports gear to nutrition and to other items, it had it all. Plus it was right next to the rodeo convention so we got to see a lot people in cowboy hats as well.So when we decided to cut ourselves off of drinking around 4 we headed just in time for the expensive pasta at the Mandalay Bay Hotel, apparently at the same time there was a Metallica concert going on that night as well. It was a huge room we entered into with thousands of people so knowing right off the bat that this was going to be a big race. Pasta was decent but definitely not worth what I paid for, but enough for a carbo load and we headed back to our hotel at the Hard Rock. Went to bed super super early so we can make it to race time at 6:15. So as we got up at 4 ish and got ready to the lobby, I realized that there people that were either coming back from partying all night or are still playing on the casino floor. I'll admit it was pretty funny seeing that scene while trying to catch a cab for us to get to the starting line. Unfortunately they blocked off a good portion of cars to get into the Strip so we did our warm up jog just to get to the starting line. Mind you it's 35 degrees as the starting time is approaching. Another thing to keep in mind is that they closed the whole strip down just for this race, which I don't think has ever been done before in the history of Las Vegas.

So I was in corral #9 so that meant that I had to wait for the other 8 waves to start before we got to go. I had done my bathroom break and kept myself hydrated before the start so I was feeling pretty good in my race. Also I'm a little superstitious when it comes to race day gear, so if I'm wearing all black, it's my "blackout" gear which means that I will have a great race or even set a PR (personal record. So with my blackout gear on, I knew I was going to have a good race. So as they let us go, I remember how fast I was going to try to set my pace. My goal was 1:45 so that meant I needed to average 8 minutes a mile to accomplish this. So as the first few miles went by, I noted that I was averaging under 8 minutes per mile, so I was pretty happy of where I was at. As I ran through the step, I saw a good amount of people come out to support us, as well as some of the people who stayed out all night supporting us while drinking some beers (I think they were still drunk). So as we got past the strip, to downtown Vegas, and started to loop back, I kept looking at my watch and was very happy that I still maintained this pace. Then as I got to mile 10, I hit a mini wall where I was feeling a little dehydrated and my thighs were starting to burn up. But as I got past through that stage by taking my GU Energy and some Cytomax, I regained my pace and stayed relaxed up until I hit mile 12. Once I hit that marker, I started to lengthen my stride a little more and noted a sudden burst of energy. I can see the finish line over at Mandalay bay and more an more supporters, so I knew I was very close. Once I was with 100 meters, I sprinted towards that line and finished strong again. I was coughing pretty bad after wards since it was still around the low 40's making it harder on my lungs with the cold air. Then it hit me that I just finished a half-marathon and was stoked that I beat my goal time

Final Half-Marathon Time: 1:42:41

Yep it was really nice to beat it by a few minutes. Then I waited for my friend to finish so that we can grab our free beer at the MGD 64 booth. And yes beer definitely tastes better after running for that long. So we made our way back to the hotel, napped for a while, then went out afterwards to celebrate our run with other friends. Went had some buffet at the MGM Grand, went to a Karaoke Bar, and I won $100 playing craps. So all in all it was a good celebratory night.

One interesting note on the trip: So as we were having a drink in one of the lounges at the Hard Rock, we came across this lady who also finished the half-marathon. She had finished a half-marathon the previous day in death valley, so it was really cool to hear her running background. She had done half-marathons, marathons,ultra-marathons, and triathlons. And she even did the ultra-marathon in 28 degree weather. By the way she's 46, so for all those people in their twenties who say they're too out of shape to run long distances, that's a bunch of bulls*it. Hearing her stories inspired me to push myself running to the next level and even beyond. It's amazing of the kind of people you meet on these trips and what you get out of it.

So now that I got my half-marathon race under my belt, I did start having thoughts about running a full-marathon. The question is which marathon in 2010 will be my first one??

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